Üniversitenin ana kampüsü Dundee’nin West End bölgesinde yer almakta olup, üniversitenin eğitim ve araştırma tesislerinin birçoğunu; Duncan of Jordanstone Sanat ve Tasarım Koleji’ni, Dundee Hukuk Fakültesi’ni ve Dundee Diş Hastanesi ve Okulu’nu içermektedir. Üniversite, Tıp Fakültesi’nin bulunduğu Ninewells Hastanesi’nde; bir klinik araştırma merkezine ev sahipliği yapan Perth Royal Infirmary’de ve Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi’nin bir bölümünü içeren Kirkcaldy, Fife’de ek tesislere sahiptir. Kurumun 2021-22 için yıllık geliri 291,5 milyon £ olup, bunun 71,8 milyon £’u araştırma hibeleri ve sözleşmelerinden, harcamaları ise 344,8 milyon £’dur.
Programlar ve Sertifikalarla Dundee Üniversitesi
Lisans Programları
- Environmental Science
- Biomedical Engineering
- Business Management in Practice
- Child and Mental Health Nursing
- Life Sciences
- Law
- Architectural Studies
- Fine Art
- Graphic Design
- Textile Design
- Jewellery & Metal Design
- Illustration
- Animation
- Graphic Design
- Textile Design
- Jewellery & Metal Design
- Applied Orthopaedic Technology
- Anatomy
- Cardiovascular and Diabetes Medicine
- Medical Education
- Dentistry
- Accountancy
- Accountancy and Mathematics
- Anatomical Sciences
- Adult Nursing
- Applied Finance in Practice
- Art & Design
- Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery
- Biochemistry
- Biological Sciences
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biomedical Engineering
- Business Management in Practice
- Business Management
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Computer Science
- Child Nursing
- Community Education
- Childhood Practice
- Childhood Studies
- Digital Interaction Design
- Computer Science (Data Science and AI)
- Computer Science (User Experience and Design)
- Finance
- Forensic Anthropology
- International Business
- Interior & Environmental Design
- International Business with Marketing
- International Business with Spanish
- International Business with French
- Law (Eng/NI) with Energy Law
- International Finance
- Mathematical Biology
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Physics
- Mathematics and Astrophysics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Microbiology
- Mechanical Engineering with Renewables
- Mathematics and Psychology
- Mental Health Nursing (Kirkcaldy)
- Neuroscience
- Molecular Genetics
- Molecular Biology
- Oral Health Sciences
- Neuropharmacology and Behaviour
- Pharmacology
- Physiological Sciences
- Physics
- Physics with Astrophysics
- Physics with Renewable Energy Science
- Product Design
- Psychology
- Psychology with French
- Social Work
- Psychology with Spanish
- Art & Philosophy
- Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Business Economics
- Business Economics with Marketing
- Economics
- Environmental Science
- Financial Economics
- Geography and Environmental Science
- Geography
- International Business in Practice
- Accountancy
- Islamic Accounting & Finance
Yüksek Lisans Programları
- Accountancy
- Advanced Computer Science with International Business
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Neuroscience
- Advanced Computer Science
- Biomedical and Molecular Sciences
- Biological Data Science
- Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Management
- Business Analytics
- Business & Human Rights
- Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Entrepreneurship
- Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Business
- Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Marketing
- Civil Engineering with Future Construction Technologies
- Civil Engineering with Future Construction Technologies
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering with Low Carbon Infrastructure
- Civil Engineering with Marine Renewable Energy
- Corporate & Commercial Law
- Data Science & Engineering
- Computer Science
- Comparative & European Private International Law
- Community Education
- Developmental Psychology
- Dental Public Health with Clinical Dentistry
- Educational Assistive Technology
- Energy Finance
- Educational Assistive Technology
- Environmental Law
- Forensic and Legal Odontology
- Forensic Dentistry
- Global & Local Social Work
- Health Studies
- Industrial Engineering and Management
- Industrial Engineering and International Finance
- Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship
- Industrial Engineering and Digital Marketing
- Industrial Engineering and Sustainability
- Industrial Engineering and Renewables
- International Business
- International Banking and Finance
- International Commercial Law
- International & European Electricity Markets
- Information Technology & International Business
- Infection Prevention & Control
- International Energy Commerce
- International Energy Commerce and Finance
- International Energy Studies and Energy Economics
- International Energy Studies and Energy Finance
- International Energy Dispute Resolution and Avoidance
- International Marketing
- International Energy Studies and Oil and Gas Economics
- International Petroleum Taxation and Finance
- Law
- Leading Learning & Teaching
- Medical Imaging
- Nursing & Health
- Nursing
- Orthopaedic Science
- Professional Accountancy
- Psychological Research Methods
- Psychological Research Methods
- Psychological Therapy in Primary Care
- Psychology of Mental Health
- Psychology of Language
- Psychology
- Social Research
- Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design
- Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design
- Sustainability and Water Security
- Sustainability
- Sustainability: Climate Change and Transitions to Net-Zero Economies
- Sustainability and Environmental Modelling
- Sustainability and Renewables
- The Low Carbon Just Transition
- Inclusive Education
- International Education
- Nursery/Early Education
- Leading Learning & Teaching
- Islamic Finance
- Accounting & Finance
- Business Research Methods
- Finance
- International Energy Law and Policy
- International Finance
- International Mineral Resources Management
- International Energy Law and Policy
- International Mineral Law and Policy
- International Oil and Gas Management
- Comics & Graphic Novels
- Forensic Art & Facial Imaging
- Clinical Embryology & In Vitro Fertilisation
- Drawing
- Anatomy & Advanced Forensic Anthropology
- Animation & VFX
- Art & Humanities
- Fine Art
- Curatorial Practice
- Design for Business
- Forensic Anthropology
- Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology
- Medical Art
- Leadership in Healthcare
- Medical Education
- Motion Analysis
- Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology
- Public Health (Palliative Care Research)
- Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
- Sports Biomechanics & Rehabilitation
- Science and Health Communication
- Records Management and Information Rights
- Management
- Health Data Science for Applied Precision Medicine
- Design for Healthcare
- Dental Public Health
- Educational Leadership
- Archives and Records Management
- Human Anatomy
- Biomedical Engineering
- Infection Prevention & Control
- Product Design
- Psychology (Conversion)
- Public Health
- Art, Science & Visual Thinking
- Advanced Practice
- Records Management and Digital Preservation
- Scottish History
Doktora Programları
- Business Administration
- Educational Psychology
- Social Work
- Community Learning and Development
- Art and Design
- Education
- Humanities
- Health Sciences
- Medicine
- Social Sciences
- Dentistry
- Science and Engineering
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